A journey of learning , creating & loving what I do….

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


As we come to the last quarter of 2013, It’s been an amazing journey and awesome opportunities this year. So as we continue to set new goals for the business and continue to capture the world through the eyes of our lens, I’m grateful of the many wonderful things I have been blessed to be apart. As this photography anniversary journal experience comes to a close… Here’s to an awesome rest of the year and terrific 2014! Image

More special events and defining clarity of direction

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


This year seemed like a whirlwind of events…It felt as though we went from Jan 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 in a flash!

This year was a continuation of 2011 with lots of special events. Several repeat business.

Portraits, Seniors, Prom & Celebration with the changes in trends It was a pleasure to capture the growing event industry.

This year was an introduction to a dynamic speaker and business builder Tierra Destiny Reid. It was a   pleasure to attend & capture the Design your Destiny conference which was a very defining moment in my business. Working close with her helping to define clarity and focus on the direction of the business. In this year more budding relationships and opportunities. Here’s to 2012 A year of defining clarity on the future direction of the business!


Special Event Photography…tops my specialty list…

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


As I entered 2011 with a calender full of special events to capture. I had the pleasure of shooting fabulous birthday parties, baby showers and many networking mixer. This year was a special event explosion.  I was any and everywhere shooting special events and all the beautiful details of the event… Here’s to 2011 a very special event year! Image

Photography Business & A networking explosion

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


Continuing on my photography journey this year was a total breakout year for me, in which I decided to attend a ladies of Facebook brunch and connect with small business owners  that were on Facebook. During this event one of the presenters taught how to network effectively. After my attendance at the event I decided to begin to do allot more networking, in doing so I’ve made so many wonderful connection! I was booked for many special events, birthday celebration and networking mixers. It was also during this year that I made my connection with Jade Ladson owner of The Special Occasion, this connection served to be a relationship that is carried over into the present! Another great memory of this year was being able to take a photography workshop by a fabulous and ever so talented worldwide photographer Ross Oscar Knight. The experience taken away from this workshop was amazing , It totally helped me to transform my skills and business and I connected with so many wonderful photographers, This moment was a life changing one, I’m ever so grateful of taking the class. This year also serves as my The total Kustom Package Service in which I assisted clients with custom party supplies and I captured their special event. Reflected back on 2010, This year was a real game changer for me. 

Big Thanks to all those who I have connected with on this journey! 



Special Events , Party Decor & Social Media

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


This was a definite year of change and meeting allot of great people who will change the whole dynamic of my budding photography business. As I continue to shoot many portrait session and special event, One event in particular change the whole course of Kustom Kreation Photography. I was asked by my Aunt to co-host my cousin baby shower, I was giving free rain over decorating and all sorts of ideas, It was a blast to come up with allot of creative items. Following the baby shower, I was then approach by one of the attendees to find out how can they get a custom party package like the one they saw at the baby shower, at that point that is when I begin to add custom decorations to my business. Now I was able to do your party decorations and capture images for your event! What a fantastic combination. This year was my introduction to social media, I joined the oh so popular Facebook and now I was tweeting it up with folks worldwide! Following allot of folks that did photography , planned events and did allot of party crafts.  I was consumed with so much information on all the things that I loved! Twitter being information 24/7 this was amazing, I then begin to have my twitter buddies and that land me into a turning point of the expansion of my event photography service. Brandi Starr of Cassius Blue Consulting reached out to me to do a giveback birthday celebration to underprivileged children. This event was a huge success and brought smiles to all the children they were in attendance,  I was so thankful to be apart. I was then  hired out by her event planning company to be the photographer for her up and coming events for her clients, I was overwhelmed with this wonderful opportunity.  The latter part of the year I was hired by a client to capture her 40th birthday celebration, that is when another expansion came to me, the catering for the event was Aj’s Catering. The presentation and taste of food was incredible. The meeting between he and I was a relationship that  is cherished to this day! Image


This year was incredible! Allot of networking , admiring and meeting great people! 


Here’s to 2009! The Big Change that came!!! 

2008 Children Family Events… Oh My! – My anniversary journal

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


As I entered 2008 with a brand new baby boy (born December 2007) I was continuing my passion of shooting.. With a brand new subject (my baby boy) and my passion to continue to capture people. Those closes to me friends and family, gave me the opportunity to capture their families. With a small variety of backdrops I begin to offer an in studio session right from the privacy of my home. So this year I was doing allot more in studio portrait session as well as a few special events. Enjoying my time shooting always a favorite children and families! I loaded my camera every chance I was given with capturing my two children they were great subjects that I could practice my art! Image

2007 On a mission to capture everything- My anniversary journal

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…


After starting my journey fall of 2006 as 2007 approached I was clear on my way to shooting anywhere from Fashion and Glamour, Portrait Weddings and Special events. I begin to shoot my then seven year old son and t-ball team. Taking actions photos of the team as well as individual posed pictures. During this year I became pregnant with my second child. I was not going to allow my pregnancy to be a factor in my budding photography business. More then ever I was pursuing my passion. Capturing my own maternity pictures. Taking on many special events. For the 1st time I was recommended to do special event photography for a celebrity event.  I was scarred out of my wits seeing that I was a budding new artist. Nervous and scarred I took on this project and with the feedback I received from my client was one of the biggest lessons to date moving forward capturing  special events. This was a real breakout year… I was shooting any and everything…

Portraits * Special Events* Maternity* Daycare Center

With my new baby and camera in tow we were on a mission to capture all that we see…. Image

2006 When It all began- My anniversary journal

It’s My 7th Anniversary in Photography Service, For the next seven days I will journey through my experience of beginning Kustom Kreation Photography…

2006 is when my journey officially begin after history of creating picture art and always toting my camera around capturing many amazing events in my journey in life. After encouragement for others I finally decided to invest in my 1st DSLR camera (Nikon D50) thanks to my personal photographer friend Willie Ross of Ross Photography that advised me of what camera to get started with. Once I was able to purchase  my camera I was eager to capture any and everything. I was now a professional photographer and it was time for friends and family to get on board and hire me for all their photography needs. My initial goal was to be like the 20 minute mall photographer where you go right in take pictures and prints done in less then an hour. I would have my new clients come to my in home studio take pictures and print them off from my inkjet computer and viola! I had a studio & printing facility right in the comforts of home. Over time ideas information and processes changes. Grateful for all opportunities that came my way in the very 1st beginning. Every dream has to start somewhere and here’s to my evolution in my photography journey! Image